Sea to Summit
Outdoor gear brand Sea to Summit was armed with a solid line of quality products but lacked organic visibility - that’s where we came in to assist.
Through fundamental SEO changes and imaginative content efforts, our specialist teams significantly increased their non-brand visibility, driving record numbers of organic users and boosting organic revenue, gaining national recognition for Best SEO Campaign at the 2022 UK Agency Awards.

The Strategy
Analysis of keyword performance showed that they weren’t capitalising on this search demand; they ranked poorly for generic terms and were reliant on brand-led searches.
We analysed search volume data and looked closely at what kind of pages search engines were deciding to show in their results. By taking a deep dive into the whole search landscape, we knew exactly what content we needed and what structural and design changes needed to be made to the website.
Increase in the number of focus keywords ranked on the 1st page of Google
Increase to organic revenue when comparing 2020 to 2022
Over 6,000
New users through to newly created blogs and camp kitchen recipes
Full Site Restructure
It was important to appeal to all types of outdoor enthusiasts - from solo campers and families to backpackers - so we were conscious of ensuring the website’s design, architecture and content catered to these different audiences. We needed a frictionless user journey, from attracting, inspiring and educating users through to encouraging a purchase.
One of the most immediate areas for improvement was how products were categorised and how easily users could find them. We tackled this by overhauling the site’s main navigation, combining existing categories where appropriate, as well as introducing new ones based on search demand.
A new design, stronger calls to action and considered internal linking led to the site making some immense progress in ranking for new keywords that were highly relevant to their product offering.

Aspirational Content
From original recipes, to camping and adventure guides, we also created search-led aspirational content that resonated with Sea to Summit’s target audience, developing strong topic clusters that maximised the number of natural and intuitive internal links to Sea to Summit’s product range.
The content plan involved a day of filming in the Peak District with Fell Foodie, an outdoors influencer with 18,000+ Instagram followers. We returned with high-quality video content that showcased Sea to Summit’s equipment in action. The inspirational how-to videos went on to achieve rich results on Google, in addition to generating significant reach on Instagram during the campaign, introducing even more new users to the brand.
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