The Women of Evoluted Share Their Advice for Career Success
Last year for International Women’s Day, we turned the spotlight on some of the leading women in digital marketing, whether that be paid social, content marketing, PR, or SEO, and asked them what advice they’d give to women coming up in the industry.
Because we loved it last year and found it a fantastic way to highlight incredible women, this year we’re doing it again, but this time we’re sharing the advice of the women of Evoluted, because why not give the women on our team their time to shine too?
So, without further ado, keep reading to find out what tips the women of Evoluted would give to fellow women in the industry!


“Getting comfortable with setting boundaries early is the best thing you can do for your wellbeing and your happiness at work because it’s so much harder to start being strict with your time once people already expect you to say yes to everything and overwork. I think as women we’re super scared of saying no because we don’t want to look like we’re rude or unhelpful and as women, you’re conditioned to believe these are the worst things women can be, but ultimately when you try and do too many things, you end up doing them all poorly. When you narrow down your responsibilities and don’t over-promise you can give your full attention to the tasks at hand and produce work you’re really proud of, without sacrificing your mental health while you’re at it.”

“Don't be afraid to ask questions! The worst thing you can do is shut yourself away and shovel pressure on yourself because you think you should know something. 30 minutes of feeling like a complete sausage is worth the knowledge you'll gain by just asking, and you'll often find that people aren't quite as scary as they seem!”

“Everyone wants female developers, so don’t feel out of place! The number of men in the tech industry outnumbers women, so everyone with any sense wants to get us interested and involved, and I have yet to see someone disappointed when I get stuck right in straight away and ask as many questions as I can!”

“Don't be afraid of sharing your ideas. It's easy to fall victim to 'imposter syndrome' or feel intimidated as women in creative tech industries, especially in male-dominant teams. Sharing your ideas can open so many doors, build your confidence and help you flourish as a professional. Honestly, just start with confidence in your abilities; a supportive team will always value your input. You never know where your abilities will take you and what opportunities are around the corner so grab them with both hands. You are where you are because you're good at what you do, remember that! In the immortal words of Shania Twain, “Let’s go girls!”

“Imposter syndrome is more likely to affect women, and even more so in a male-dominated field like STEM. Try not to let it affect you and remember you do deserve to be here! Don’t be afraid to make mistakes either. Sometimes it can feel like you have to work twice as hard as men to prove yourself, but mistakes are part of the job. They’re how you gain new experience and learn how to handle issues, you may find you learn more from your failures. A good team supports one another, so don’t hesitate to ask your colleagues for help. Whether they’ve been in the industry for years or just starting out, they’ll likely have different ideas you can gain knowledge from and they’re a good sounding board. The solution may occur to you just as you’re explaining it!”
We hope you’ve found this advice useful, and if so, feel free to let us know on Twitter which is where we tend to hang out and chat the most!
And if you’d like to work with our team of amazing women or find out more about what Evoluted does, you can contact us via our website and submit an enquiry, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.
All that’s left to say now is we hope you have a fantastic International Women’s Day, and use it as an opportunity to celebrate the successes of the brilliant women around you, whether that be colleagues, family members, inspirational figures, or even yourself!